What’s Happening at the Black Hills Central Railroad Shops
Welcome to the Black Hills Central Railroad Shop Blog. This page is designed to give a weekly report to all interested parties on all projects and repairs happening at the train roundhouse. Currently the BHC is having a car restoration being performed by local private contractors. Listed below are all the pieces of equipment and tasks being performed by the talented BHC shop crew for the preparation of another busy train season here at the 1880 Train. We will be updating the progress of all our tasks weekly, so sit back and enjoy!
Joe Belczak (Shop Crew and Staff BHC Railroad)
Engine #110
-Currently all boiler side sheets will be replaced in the up and coming months. Engineer’s side sheets have been replaced and welded into place. Engineer’s side sheets are awaiting both rigid and flex stay bolt holes to be threaded.
-All cylinder cages have been rebored, and await new cylinder piston rings. Rings will be cut in the next few weeks.
-Both coupler drawbars are being inspected and repaired where extreme wear is evident. Rear drawbar is awaiting new cushion springs, and the final touches are just about done to the drawbar pockets in there build-up.
Engine #104
-Currently the BHC crew is in the process of rebuilding suspension parts that lead to rear pony truck; that includes rebuilding pony truck leaf springs and hanger parts. Front suspension assembly has been inspected and repaired where necessary.
-Both steam cylinders have been inspected, cleaned and disassembled. Fireman’s side piston awaits a new casted head, while both sides require new piston rings.
-The BHC bought new water glasses to replace the old hard-to-read ones. Currently, new water glasses have been taken apart, cleaned, and await assembly. Water glass fixtures await plumbing and mounting. This includes new lights for visibility.
Car Department
-Currently the car shop awaits new wheels and axles to replace the heavily used ones under various pieces of our equipment. They have been ordered and will be manufactured in the next month by a private company.
-All passenger cars have had their yearly inspection, and await the start of a new season. However, the open car “Mystic” will be receiving some structural repairs and its yearly inspection.
The New Car !!
-Since the project recently began, there is no name for this car yet. The new car will be quite different than are two other restored coaches, but it will resemble its original appearance as an interurban Combine Car. The car will be a great addition to the BHC car roster, because it will be able to host special groups and concessions.
-Currently our private contractors have been disassembling the very few pieces left of the original car. The contracting crew is spending meticulous time labeling and numbering all structural parts, and processing their materials order.
-The BHC shop crew has removed all brake plumbing, couplers, and wheel rigging including trucks. New truck and coupler assembly will be done in-house, and brake rigging will be done by BHC shop crew also.