Shop updates for Friday, March 6, 2009Work continues on all are big projects for this year. With the winter season coming to an end, the 1880 train crew is in high gear to finish all major projects. We are ambitious to start other projects in the weeks to come as well. Time goes by faster when March comes around, so updates might be more spread out. So much to do and so little time before the start of the season! Looking forward to seeing our passengers soon! Enjoy!
Joe Belczak (Staff and crew of Black Hills Central Railroad)Engine #110-Work continues on the final touches to the boiler side sheets. All staybolt heads are rounded over on engineer's side, and weep holes cleaned out. Mounting studs for air cylinders, pipe hangers, and power reverser are installed. Once fireman's side sheet is finished, the crew can concentrate on putting rest of furniture together on boiler, and perform annual hydro. test.

Both draw bars are finished, and were installed back into their pockets. Due to a very rotted out front bumper, the crew replaced the old bumper with a sturdy metal one. The talented crew fabricated a new bumper and installed it into position using all existing holes. More stairs and rails will be added to front pilot of engine to make servicing the large compound compressors more efficient during noon servicing and start-up. An improved pin lifter has been fabricated to make uncoupling the locomotive from the cars easier.

-All valve packing has been installed to cylinders, and now new brasses are being milled for 110's side rods. Once brasses are complete, all rods and cranks will be installed back on wheels, and locomotive will be ready for its test run.
Engine #104-New water glasses were installed and await a final fitting. Lights will have to be made for glasses, so they can be seen on the evening trips much easier.
New Car #65-A lot of progress has been made to car frame in the past weeks. All channel timber is in place, and cross timber is presently being installed. Steel vertical posts in baggage compartment have been repaired and installed. Next items awaiting installation are rest of flooring timber supports, horizontal steel rods, truss rods, and various other pieces of hardware.
-The project of rebuilding the car's trucks is under way, and 50% of the North truck is completed. What we consider the "A" truck needed new channel iron and a rebuild of the braking components. Currently the A truck awaits new leaf springs and a new bolster pocket. Once truck is overhauled, the B truck will receive the same treatment.