Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hilyo Restoration Photos

A few weeks ago, while digging through some old photos from the '90s, I ran across pictures taken of the Drovers car, Hilyo.

Anytime I look at old photos of the equipment before our staff began restoration work, it blows me away how much of a transformation it is.

Hilyo was restored in 1997, and added to the line up in 1998. It still looks great for having been restored over a decade ago!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mother's Day Express Ticket Giveaway

We're having a Mother's Day Express ticket giveaway again! Simply email us at and tell us why you deserve to win Mother's Day Express tickets. Please type 'Mother's Day Express Giveaway' in the subject line.

The winner will receive two tickets onboard the Mother's Day Express, Sunday, May 8th, 2011. The winning answer will be posted on Facebook!

Entries are due on Wednesday, April 27th, 2011 and we will contact the winner via email on that day. The winning entry will be posted on Facebook the following day. If you have already reserved Mother's Day Express tickets, or would like to go ahead and make a reservation, we will credit the winning tickets to your reservation!

Reservations may be made online at, or you can also give us a call at 605-574-2222.

Monday, March 14, 2011

March Roundhouse Update

Our staff in the roundhouse has been working away to make sure the equipment is up and running for the summer season. Read on to find out about all of their hard work.

All of our coaches are being repainted by a contractor. They will all be the same burgundy red color. The photo above shows the Keystone car in the process of having its stain sanded off so it will be ready for paint.

Thomas sands the Keystone car.

Engine #104 had new ends installed on its super heaters and has successfully passed its Hydro test. It's ready for the summer season.

Engine #110 also had extensive work done on its super heaters. It has passed a flexible staybolt inspection and its Hydro test, but the roundhouse staff says there are still a lot of loose ends to tie up before it is ready for the summer season.

Mike on top of engine #110.

Engine #63's air system was overhauled and its components are ready to be installed.

It's sure to be a busy month and a half as they finish up all the loose ends and get ready to hit the rail!

Scott and Cesar give the welder some much needed attention.

David cuts out an old bushing from 110's suspension.

Scott uses engine #1 to switch engine #104 out of the shop.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tasty Recipes

If you've ridden either the Wine Express into the West, or the Fright Train, you know how tasty the food is at Prairie Berry. If you didn't know, they have a page on their website for various recipes, many of them featuring their wines. Just reading through them makes me hungry for the Wine Express food!

I think I'm going to have to try out the Artichoke and Peppadew Pepper Dip. :)

Anyone else finding a recipe they just have to try?